Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh... I hate morning shift

When ever I work in morning shift. My body and mind feel so tired and nothing seem to be done. I hate this feeling and have to rush home just because of my class later. I hope that my school can finish as soon as possible. 11 more weeks to go and I will be free. Still have to take up all the exams before I get my certificate.

I will work extra hard to achieve more good result in the future. So that my future can be secure and be predict. Tuesday night I got myself a very very stupid feeling that I going to die soon. As my neck keep having the stupid pain and I almost black out. I will go to have a proper check up soon. At least I can have peace of mind to work for my future.

Nothing very good to share this time but I am working hard on this blog and finding some way to earn money though web advertising.


Scorpio said...

i tink u use computer/iphone for too long... rest well...

SimonFeiXiang said...

Haha... maybe!!! btw, waiting for you to come and pass you the show and get you addicted