Sunday, August 17, 2008

I really need a mobile handheld device

Iphone is just around the corner.... Praying hard so far. When ever I being on the bus, I just have so much thing going around my head and I simply need to jot them down either for my reference or here (my blog). I hope the mobile plan will be some one time charge for unlimited data transmit so that I will be able to surf net anywhere. Not much worry about the battery life of the phone due to some 3rd party charging device which operate with just 4 AA size battery.

Some nice phrase to share here from book "Why we want you to be RICH"

Most of us have heard about the Three Ds,

  1. Desire
  2. Drive
  3. Discipline
We all know people who have desire - for example a desir to be rich, but they lack either the drive or the discipline or both.

Most of us have heard about the Triple As,

  1. Ambition
  2. Ability
  3. Attitude
We all know people who have ambition, but they never develop their abilities - often because they have a bad attitude.

Most of us have heard about the Triple Es,

  1. Education
  2. Experience
  3. Execution
We all know people who have great educations but lack real-world experience. When they lack real-world experience, they often are unable to execute - perform, get things done in a timely manner, produce results -in the real world.

And most of us have heard of the Four Hs,

  1. Honor
  2. Humility
  3. Humor
  4. Happiness
We all know people who are successful, but attained success without honor. And we all know people who are successful, but lack humility. We also know people who do not have a sense of humor - they have lost their ability to laugh at themselves. And we all know people who are successful, but not happy.

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