Friday, September 3, 2010

Relax week

What a relax week that I have. Started to pick up everything that I left since the day I went into ICT. My room is planning out the decoration and one of the best part is to convert my Door into a Giant iPhone screen. I am still calculating the dimension and ratio in order to get the best result. And would like to put "三十而立" into an artistic way on my wall. Haha.... very excited but provided I able to apply leave on the coming weeks.

Read the post from my sister and agree that we should look for the small achievement everyday instead of big one. So that we will not feel so useless. But to be specific, I should use the Big achievement and break it down into smaller pieces to fit into everyday life.

Went to Comex and found that PC show is getting more and more boring. Nothing really great is selling. Credit card and telco are everywhere.... hai....! Don't try to bluff me in the news again by saying that they have profit.... cos I really don't think so.


  1. You can start implementing the plan for your room already, cos you have achieved the 1st step by doing the correct shift. This way, yr plans for your leave should be on schedule :)

  2. Hopefully everything goes the way I want it to... yeah!
