Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Appreciation or sick of it?

This post is suppose to remind myself that even repeat the same thing again and again in everyday life. I need to appreciate what I am doing as that is a kind of happiness.

Love is the funniest thing that it base on this chemical name Benzole lactamic acid (苯氨基丙酸) to react accordingly. Why is that chemical keep decreasing when the time that spend together getting longer? Why can't it stay at the same level for whole life? Have read a lot of chinese post today from SWEETSWEET.NET and manage to conclude all post into today's blog. I will say that as 2 person just getting together. Whenever they do something for each others. It will be a bonus as you do not have any requirement from you love one. But once both party getting together long enough to share their life together. The demand just getting larger and larger. Especially when they start to compare with each other that who gave out their LOVE the most. The ugly truth is shown and no equation can ever calculate who LOVE the most.


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