Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things that I really really want to get

After a lot of thinking done during this long holiday. Here is my shopping list

This is Canon 500D camera that my sister is using. I tried it on my own and this camera is superb. Too bad that my sister never bring enough battery that is why no photo upload here.

Cost: $1299 with basic lens

This is Sony DPP-F700 photo frame Printer which act as BOTH function. And it only cost $0.30 per photo print.

Cost: $299

And here is the must get software for me. Very nice interface and easy to use function. Die Die will get.

Cost: $298 from Apple store and $248 if I use CITI purchase.

I have to really increase the quality in my life so that I can affect my internal self to perfect everything in my life.

My laptop is doing a very good job for me to update blog as well as doing photo edit. I don't think I need anything better than this. iPad will be postpone as I still have school and have no time to read book.

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