Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally I got it

So many time walk pass the same live pub and hear this nice song but not able to catch it lyric.

And finally today I heard it one more time in Kinokuniya. You know what I do when I hear this song? I actually take out my SonyEricsson K810 and start record it using TrackID software which enable user to look for song on net when they send part of the song. I told myself that if I able to find the song using this software when I inside such a noisy bookshop. I will not buy IPHONE. And result is clear, Iphone will out of my life. HAHA

Book I getting this week

1 comment:

  1. Your chatterbox is gone!!!!!

    Anyway u r left with 5 days to run 10km... whahaha!~
