Monday, March 31, 2008


What is this? HAHA... is my GUNDAM 00 collection...

Thank you my GF buy for me. This time you really got it right. So glad that you finally can buy something for me without mistake. Thank you again.
Time to get serious. Too much thing to do but too little time. Must arrange it well.

Went for Ice skating at Kallang Lesiure park... not very fun cos the shoes is damn smelly and uncomfort. No next time but that place is totally change. If have time can go there for bowling cos the alley is nice and the TV on top is fun to look at it graphic.

Dear Chee Ping... the shirt that you said wear for 3 years... is on sales again at Tampines S&K. How you explain this time... caught in action.

My gundam Collections

Just bought the Virute yesterday. The most expensive and the lastest one. Other 3 I having problem to collect them due to they start selling on january. Lot of shop sold out. Hai... Hope to collect them all before I really start making them "alive".

Yesterday downloaded a PSP game. Very interesting game that will make your mind keep spinning. Anyone interested can let me know and of course I will find some way to pass the game around.

Game sample below

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Gundam 00 SEASON 1 ending and my thinking...

I like the way gundam 00 director present this show. He is somebody don't believe in anything but yourself. Even dreaming, he still insist that is human reflection on their own thinking. Yes, most of the people dead and some people even say this gundam show is the worst ever. I don't even care because I believe in the director will make full use of the situation and make more thinking on next season. See him soon, cos the next season will be on 4/11. So long but worth it. Mean while I can collect the gundam model.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

EA monopoly?

Just got a FIFA street game for my PSP from Benjamin Loke. Seem like everything work fine except changing of button. If a game like this consider a good game. I think this company is not user friendly at all. I use to play winning eleven but button configuration a bit different. Wanna try FIFA with the usual button that I play on WE. But EA seem like wanna user to stick with their own way. What a MONOPOLY company. Think of buying Command and Conqurer next month. Seem like can forget it, cos from EA also. Hai... what a disappointed company.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Rain inside BUS...

For those who take bus everyday and especially on TIBS. Please do remind don't sit the seat behind the emergency exit. Because on top of the seats have a gap whereby the aircon is just behind. When the driver is so idiot to turn ON the full blast of the aircon volume. Lot of water vapour get condense and start to drip down. Like rain... and I'm the one who kanna this today... hai

Thursday, March 27, 2008

北京歡迎你 at SUNTEC

Woo... They are here... Look cute!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Just bought a limited edition red NANO online for my girl. Not as bright red as you see on the net but it still impress me by the metallic surface. Order online is easy and the delivery is fast. Whereby I order on last friday night and it delivered to me on Monday morning. The goods of course from CHINA but the logistic still work hard during weekend. No extra charge on delivery and engraving. The picture is the flow chart of the ipod.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008




他認為,將來要獨當一面,開創一番事業,就必 須從最基層的學徒開始幹起,

日產集團(Nissan)的創立人( 魚古)川義介,是東京帝大學第四名畢業的高材生,家世背景也家分良好,但是大學畢業之後,
他卻放棄了傲人的學歷各門閥,隻身到美 國一家鑄鐵工廠見習,為自已的人生打基礎。

只有欠缺信心,沒有實力的人,才會 把時消耗在亳無意義的事情上,斤斤計較形式上的虛榮。


Friday, March 21, 2008

One Month later

Daddy already left my family for a month. I still can't believe that I am the one who send him off from this world. Lot of thing learn from this incident. Lot of thing that we can do for him. Lot of thing that he never do. Lot of moment that we want to share with each others. Lot of thing that I will never forget.

New Adv from my IDOL valentino Rossi and his father. (Make me miss my Dad more)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Shopping in Singapore not as fun as Hong Kong

S & K... everyone should know what is that. But even they sell the same thing in both place. The feeling is totally different. Layout is different... Service is different... discount also different.

I do agree Hong Kong have less variety than Singapore but that make me can concentrate in Premium Product. Sales person welcome you in and explain what is the discount of the day. Then they will let you alone and shop around. But in Singapore, sales person welcome you and keep looking telling you the discount of the day. Follow you everywhere and keep staring at you.

Hai... Even discount Hong Kong can give you half price off when you purchase 2nd piece and free T-shirt. But Singapore only 20% off whereby HK original price is 30% off of what singapore selling.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quater first Night GP

This is how it look like when night GP hold in Quater. Something similar should be set up in Singapore also.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Interesting book that I reading

A book that teach you how to look for great company to invest in. History base but lot of fact to learn. Author himself is a great investor. Still reading it, so far so attractive...

Just after some beer and food with my friend. Tomorrow got to work hard for all the outstanding work. HAHA

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hong Kong Trip

From Today till next week I will be in Hong Kong attend my DAD funeral. Will be back for more story...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Traditional Chinese not using anymore by United Nation

According to United Nation. Due to the popularity of Simplify Chinese. They want to take away traditional Chinese. But because of traditional Chinese that make our history. They are much more meaningful than Simplify. What a waste if it gone. Please sign and vote for keeping it. Thank you

Sign Here

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sad day!

Talking bus 966 from ENOUS back to home after swim at Wild Wild Wet... Whne going to reach bukit Panjang. I saw something round round one on the road and when the bus getting near. End up that is an animal. A pangolin....

So sad when the bus hit on the animal and produce some sound that even break my heart.

Life is just so fragile and small...

Let this picture as his GRAVE!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Polar Bear Extinct

Human always look for change. They want to change the world they want to. But in the end when mother nature start changing. And they can't accept. Especially those WWF people. Not very sure what they want. I only know they still wearing those shirt that we made but not leaf from the nature. Is that a joke or slapping their own face?

The world is acting like going crazy. But do you think it shouldn't be this way or is just the way this earth going to be? Human is the one who destroy so just follow what the earth reply and act with the change.