Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stupid Bus Driver

Rushing to collect my ticket from orchard for Maria Sharapova Live on this Sunday. Just nice bus 190 came. Full of people but I manage to squeeze in. When the bus start to move, I know it will be a jialet journey. Driver accelerate and brake so hard. Somemore when he turn the steering wheel, his action really look like those kids play Initial D in arcard. Turn left and right so frequent whereby make all the passenger swing left and right. Hai...

Show You the picture when our earth turn Dark... nice Picture

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Just have some GERMAN Beer with my friend. It taste so nice and easy to sober. Wondering anyone out here have any plan on 31st of Dec. Can let me join in?

By the way, I already booked myself for IPPT test on 27th of January. Anyone wanna join do let me know.

Anyway, I just join facebook. Do add me... haha

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Very Nice show that will make you feel touch and aware of our world. Personally I like the DOG in the show so much that when she die. My eye is wet. Risk her life to save WILL SMITH. The only animal in the world that treat human so truly. Anyway, Christmas show.... God is around, they never forget to put in it the show.

Just some thinking...
What if a day like the show has come? Population of this world is increasing and nature must take place to wipe off some of us. If human still fight between race and religion. More people will be harm.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sony Ericsson K900i?

Haha... these are 2 design that offical website haven't confirm yet. Both look nice... so my next phone will be it. With 7.2 Mega Pixel! Nothing better than this liao...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

New Funny Movie


Trailer here

Strange Wilderness


My dog keep protect the ball while my sister and me trying to steal away from him. Lot of angry sound produce from him.

*no animal is abuse during making of this video

Frog can Fly

Funny - Watch more funny videos here

S-POP 万岁

林俊傑 - Hurray (一起搖)

作詞:林宇中、許環良 作曲:林俊傑

黑白的琴道 指尖來引爆
誰要想接招 耳朵先豎好

我功力高強 獨門的格調
好壞不由別人講 玩得開心最重要

唱唱唱 我唱到啞掉 跳跳跳我跳翻天
Hurray 全世界不睡覺 一起搖

闖闖闖我過關斬將 亮亮亮我刀光亮
Hurray 讓全世界看我 發光

自信的拳腳 我揮灑逍遙
馬步扎無數通宵 台上一分鐘 練十年功

唱唱唱 我唱到啞掉 跳跳跳我跳翻天
Hurray 全世界不睡覺 一起搖

闖闖闖我過關斬將 亮亮亮我刀光亮
Hurray 讓全世界看我 發光

有夢就不渺小 不怕地再大 天再高
不驕傲 剛剛好 你最瞭

唱唱唱 我唱到啞掉 跳跳跳我跳翻天
Hurray 全世界不睡覺 一起搖

闖闖闖我過關斬將 亮亮亮我刀光亮
Hurray 讓全世界看我 發光 亮












所以,相較於男人,女人容易將「愛情」擺第一,甚至會認為男人就應該要疼寵女人,要哄女人,要賺錢養女人。因為,女人對於愛情有著太多的期待;因為女人將 一生的幸福都寄託在她所遇上的男人是不是個「良人」。而男人呢?順應著女人的期望,所以男人要讓自己成為「天」,要努力事業,要成為女人可以依靠的肩膀。 於是,男人將愛情放下了,將「事業」擺在第一位,卻忽略了女人是個貪心又矛盾的動物。



在社會上的地位牢不牢固。 到最後,很可能就這樣扼殺了一段愛情。難道,非得愛過才知情濃?




女人,要 聰明點,不要被動地認為只要當個任性的公主就可以得到男人的疼愛,適度的發發小脾氣,適度地撒嬌呢噥,都是必須的。還有,別將自己的幸福建築在另一個人的 手中。幸福是妳自己可以掌握的,就算這個男人給不起妳,妳也不見得就是不幸。男人,要成熟點,不要以為辛苦工作賺錢就代表了你愛這個女人,女人有時就是敏 感了些,當她情緒化地發出一些言論時,不妨靜心傾聽,不要急著認為女人就是莫名其妙、無理取鬧。以成熟一點的心態去看待你的女人,你或許會發現,女人其實 都是一個樣的。如果你無法成熟地看待愛情,不管重新追求幾個女人,你都得不到心中最完美的「女神」。


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sharing of MSN picture

Last night I working hard on Putting more picutre for everyone to download. But not very sure why this blogspot no longer support GIF file that moving around in my blog. So my new setting will take a screen shot and give a link below to my to share with everyone here... :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hong Kong HOTTEST girl group

You can't believe this MV. Very sexy.... no wonder make big noise from lot of people... hehe

Japan Dog shop WARNING!!! (very touching...)


1. My life likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you
will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me

3. Place your trust in me--it's crucial to my Well-being.

4. Don't be angry for me for long and don't lock me up as punishment.
You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.

5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words.
I understand your voice when it's speaking to me
5.請偶而對我說說話,縱使我不懂你說的內容,但我聽的懂, 那是你的聲音在陪伴我.

6. Be aware that however you treat me. I'll never forget it
6.你要知道無論你如何對待我, 我將永遠不會忘記.

7. Remerber before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush
the bones of your hand, but that I choose not to bite you.
7.當你打我時請記得,我其實擁有可以咬碎你手骨的尖銳牙齒, 我只是選擇不咬.

8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, please ask yourself
if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food,
or I've been run in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.

9. Take care of me when I get old. you too, will grow old.
9.在我年老時請好好照顧我. 因為你也是會變老的.

10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say I can't bear to watch it or let it happen
in my absent. Everything is easily for me if you are there. Remember, I love you.
10.當我要捱過最辛苦的歷程時, 請千萬不要說:「我不忍心看他。」
或者「讓我不在場時才發生。」.只要有你和我在一起, 所有的事都會變得簡單容易接受。

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mac OS X on PC

Wa... that is a great thing! Wanna get my PC up for Apple OS for very long already. Anyway, I still have to work hard on it to gether all the INFO before I really work on this Project.

Follow the link below if you interested to Know how....

Ringtone sharing available now. Check up the side bar... Enjoy

Monday, December 17, 2007

Time to Work Hard on my BLOG

My sister ask me why my hit count still so low. It time for me really work on it. Beside I wanna know if I put in effort will it make any different or not.
Anyway... today I going to upload any new nice song once I have it on my side bar. Do enjoy it...

I will be learning and sharing at the same time. Sharing my life here...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

New Garget

This 5 new babys from Sony. Will make your life better. With the lastest touch screen forcusing and easy smile shutter while you using timer to capture group photo. 4GB in build memory. You will shock how this little thing can do for you when you want to produce a nice picture.