Sunday, October 21, 2007


To me is my first time watching this cruel Video whereby I don't think will go for KFC so often in the future.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

First try

Busy on selling my Sammi Cheng concert ticket online in eBay. Finally got it sold away. Good place to shop around. First attempt... so far so good. May buy something from there. Saw a pair of Nike Tiffany Dunk Low. May bid on it ba... now go up till 110+ whereby starting price only 76. HAHA... 3 day more... let wait and see!

Good book that I reading now. Share the summary as time go by. :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

The whole world is the same

As long as human being present. Nothing will allow to come closer.

From my forum, is about how human ill treat animal. So sad to see but time for you to think about it.

Abandon dog eating each other as food.

(p.s) my dear sister please ignore my this post. Not good for you to watch :)